< Fasching in Blons 2008
28.02.2008 17:32 Alter: 17 yrs
Kategorie: Aktuell
Von: Alexander Frick and pupils of E7 I

Vienna's English Theatre Schooltour 2007-2008

Virtual Heroes

Am 28. Februar  besuchten die 3. und 4. Klassen im Bundesgymnasium Bludenz  „Virtual Heroes“, eine Aufführung des Vienna’s Englishtheatre. Das Stück wurde in englischer Sprache von Native Speakers aufgeführt.
Virtual Heroes bewegt sich auf zwei Ebenen – im Alltag der beiden Teenager Kevin und Rita und im Cyberspace, wo deren virtuelle Figuren die tollkühnsten Abenteuer erleben.
Durch die Mischung Realität/Cyberspace entsteht ein unterhaltsames Theaterabenteuer, indem ernste Thematiken mit fantasievollen wie komischen Elementen spielerisch verwoben sind.

Hier nun einige Statements der Schüler:

On February 28th the pupils of the third and fourth classes went to an English theatre to Bludenz. Four actors of Great Britain performed the play “Virtual Heroes”. The actors were very funny and played their roles very well.
The play takes place in a school IT-room. It is about two teenagers who are in love at the end of the play.
The actors were short of breath, because they had to change their clothes very often. The school was also very cool, because there was a cafeteria. We also want such a cafeteria. The theatre was great and we hope that we get the chance to see another performance like this again.

Anna R, Hannah, Anna S, Anna Katharina


We think the theatre was very well played. It was very funny and we laughed a lot. The actors were very funny too and all of them played their roles very well. During the play some pupils had to go on stage where they had to translate a German letter into English. There were also a lot of songs. We heard very funny, horrible and cool ones. One boy (actor) was a little bit fat and small; the other one was very tall and thin. The girls were not very tall but good looking. We think it was good.

Kathi and Mandy

We enjoyed the play, because it was good and we weren’t at school. The best thing: Gerold (!) was on stage and the magic banana!
There were four actors, two female and two male. They changed their clothes very fast and very often. Sometimes they were singing. The dream space song was stupid, but the man and the woman looked funny. They were kissing two times! One time in the IT-room and one time in the museum lift. Going by bus was very boring. One of the girls had very big ….

Gerold, Manuel, Manuel G, David
